Bookquet #2 is scheduled for SPRING 2024

JUNE 21 - JULY 31
(For 2024 publication)

Who is "we"?:

A Moonlit Cafe Press is a tiny DIY art project run by one small bat, Nicks Walker. I am a white, trans, queer and disabled/neurodivergent - and if me listing these things puts you off, we probably won't make the most sense as art collaborators!

I cannot emphasise enough that I am Not Proper. This project is influenced by queer punks and library printers. Come to me if you like the idea of someone printing your words out, because you have some words to get out there. Handing out paper bags of zines at a weird party. That's what I'm going for.

What is "open for submissions"?:

For the second time, I'm planning to print up to five tiny chapbooks. These will be:

  • A6 booklets, 10-20 pages long
  • Courier New (when printed)
  • Sold in a group only!

Simultanious submissions are completely welcome, although do let me know it gets picked up elsewhere.

In the past I've accepted NSFW material, trauma content, dream prose, teeth poetics, and even traditional verse. I'm up for anything offered in good faith, and not coming from a discriminatory place. Genre art is VERY WELCOME. I would print your Doctor Who story if a representative of the BBC didn't live in my walls.

I can open most forms of word processing, and will let you know if I can't open your file. Black and white very-hybrid work and visual poetry will be considered, but one of the considerations will be if I can do meaningful justice to your work. Internal printing in colour is sadly beyond my budget.

As a tiny hobby press I run at a loss, so contributors will be paid in a one-off £30 fee of thanks for their work.

What is "sold in a group"??

These are party bags of words! An experiment in found galleries. An anthology where you get a personalised front cover and ISBN number. (Check out our SHOP for more info!)

The group distribution thing is a big part of the project for me.

I'm really looking for folk who are into this idea too, and up for exploring it. Ideally although these are discrete chapbooks, you'd submit something you'd be happy to see placed in an anthology with other work.

Do note that other work might be NSFW! If you have any hard limit themes/topics you would not be comfortable with your work being paired with, do feel free to let me know in your submission email. If we need to chat more about that, we absolutely can.

Do you have even more caveats somehow??

Yes, I do! I'm based in THE UK. This isn't great for anyone really, including me! International distribution is expensive right now. I'm very happy to work with folk across any of the various oceans (and send across bundles of bundles), but if you want easy local access to your work, a small UK-based DIY printer may not be for you.

Okay, I get it, where's the bloody email?

Here (!!): amoonlitcafepress@gmail.com

And does my email need to be any particular way?

Not really.

How about an author bio?

That'd be grand, but honestly write anything that gives a flavour of who you are and why you're up for this.


Thanks, me.

It's over now.

